Innovations to revive, restore, and renew.
Pelvic Health Therapies
Over the past several decades, innovation in medical technology has offered many patients better therapeutic options. Pelvic health as a clinical domain, unfortunately, has received less attention that others. As a result, unmet care needs and opportunities for improvement across pelvic health conditions are widely felt by patients and providers alike.
In each of the cases below, Juniper Biomedcial can offer patients and providers a novel therapy with promise of dramatic improvement over the standard of care. For each condition, and sub-population, Juniper has a specific, targeted approach to provide a minimally invasive and easy to implant solution that delivers automatic therapy.

Urinary Incontinence (SUI, OAB & Mixed UI)

Restore normal urinary function.
Juniper Biomedical’s Precision Neuromodulation Platform is designed to restore normal neuromuscular function to damaged pelvic floor tissue and calm bladder overactivity. Our technology delivers personalized stimulation to restore normal urinary function whether a patient has stress symptoms, urge symptoms or a combination of both.
Our battery powered micro-implant is delivered under local anesthesia with a minimally invasive technique into the pelvic floor. The implant delivers automatic daily therapy to provide long term restoration of continence and the gift of freedom to patients.